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Joshua Okpara, a native of Lagos Nigeria, understood from a young age the tenacity it takes to overcome adversity, as he lost his mother two weeks before his 8th birthday, and soon after moved to the United States to begin a new life.

Dealing with the hardship of adjusting to the unfamiliar territory; anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts set in. After a failed suicide attempt at age 14; he embarked on a journey to inspire, challenge, and motivate others to walk in their God- given purpose.


"Unfamiliar territory, develops self- awareness."

God’s blessing over man in Genesis 1:26 to dominate the Earth in His image and likeness is the fuel that drives all of Joshua’s endeavors. It has served as a foundation for the resources he provides, consulting, coaching, and ministry.


Joshua Okpara has written ten best-selling books such as "Where Does It Hurt?" "31 Days to A Better You", "Handling Uncertainty", and Discovering Your Value" sold internationally.


Joshua is known for his charisma, leadership, and his passion for purpose. He is married to Charmecia Okpara and, together  they raise their son, Josiah Okpara. He serves as founder and senior pastor of Faith Filled Church, located in Lewisville, Texas.


Annual Haircut Giveaway

Community Event

Partnering with local Barbershops, we annually offer FREE haircuts to the men in the Denton community.

 This is a way to promote professional self image and bring the community together.


We have been fortunate to donate over $5000 worth of free haircuts to our community and donated over 500 hours of community service.


International Scholarship Giveaway

We launched a clothing and school supplies drive that aided us in giving back to two local schools in Lagos Nigeria.


We were able to give away scholarships to three low income families at a local school. We were also able to donate school supplies to the students and clothing to the teachers in these schools.

Through the help of our partners, we have been able to support these schools in Lagos Nigeria, and Hope to continue to give back to them.

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